
This is the Keyword Research tool hidden inside Bing’s Webmaster Tools interface. The Bing keyword API returns the historical broad-match and strict-match impressions for the specified keyword term. Use it for competitive research and to find new campaign keyword terms for your own use.

Parameters include:

q – a URL-encrypted version of the keyword term

countrylowercase ISO 3166 country code (e.g. be for Belgium)

language – IETF language tag (e.g. nl-BE for Dutch (Belgium)


This returns an array of values, which are the weekly metrics starting with the oldest and ending with the most recent week’s impressions counts.

The results match the web interface where Impressions are the numbers shown. BroadImpressions used to be shown when a “non-strict” option was checked.

Typical response:


If there is insufficient data (or the server doesn’t feel like working hard), an empty array willbereturned. This echoes the web interface, where the trend line will not appear.